Beautiful job completed in Guisborough. 👇
Only one before photo of this one, but you can see from the before photo that this area definitely needed an upgrade. 🙌
We have made this area much more useable as before it had a small raised area which was only enough room for a small table and chairs. 👎
Now we have opened up the area with some beautiful light grey porcelain, compliments with a light charcoal edging block. 🙌
We've created new planting areas using sleepers. 🙌
We have replaced the old artificial grass areas with a new natural lawn. 🌱💚
To finish, we replaced the old fence with concrete posts and panels. 🪚🔨
This job came from a recommendation 🫶 Always great to hear we do good work! 🫶
Paving and sleepers supplied by Landscape Supply Hub 🧡💛🧡.
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